Transforming Lives Through Relationships That Matter
Podcast: <span>The BadAss Women's Network</span>

Resilience: Episode 2

None of us knows what we are capable of doing until we are faced with the  moment that ends a dream.  Do we fold in on ourselves, ready to collapse from the weight of disappointment? Or do we re-group, re-cast, and re-build? Resilience fuels our courage, our determination, our capacity to renew —not the old dream, but something different — Alyssa Exposito coming into my own skin has been a LONG one.   I’ve always …


We launch our project in a time that represents a moment in time when the United States of America is in one of its periodic moments of disruption and course correction. Amidst a once in a generation global pandemic, a deep economic recession, and significant political upheaval and unrest, we might ask our selves why launch a project like  BAWN now? In fact there couldn’t be a better time. Why? Because we need to hear …

Happiness is a Choice: Episode 1

It seems that all of a sudden everywhere you look, people are talking about happiness. What it is or isn’t. Researchers have tried to define happiness as a good mood or simply feeling positive emotions. Our society is built around the notion that somehow the things we have will make us happy. —Rochelle Gapere completely disagrees. She is the “ happiness coach,” and she’s got a lot to say about the tangible things we can …